It’s not what you think! Clarifying 10 Misconceptions about Next.js Must Read for Developers!
Debunking Myths about Next.js: Read for Web Developers and Business Owners!

Next.js is getting quite the hype these days, and for good reason!

It has made things easier for both businesses and developers.


Businesses value website traffic, which can be increased with SEO optimization, while developers prefer technology that builds applications quickly, is scalable, and is easy to learn.

That’s the magic of Next.js—it benefits both developers and businesses by offering tools and features that enhance SEO and enable faster development.

However, like any technology, Next.js has its own merits and challenges!

Let’s have a quick glance at some of the advantages and disadvantages of using the tech for your next website or application development.

Next.js Pros & Cons: Things you should know about the tech!

Pros of Next.js

    • Automatic Code Splitting – Improves page load speed.
    • Hybrid Rendering – Supports SSR, SSG, and ISR.
    • SEO Optimization – Enhances search visibility.
    • Fast Refresh – Improves development workflow.
    • API Routes – Simplifies backend integration.
    • Static Site Generation – Boosts performance and scalability.

Cons of Next.js

    • Complex Configuration – Custom setups can be challenging.
    • Limited Routing Flexibility – Nested routes can be hard to manage.
    • Learning Curve – Advanced features require time to master.
    • Server Dependency – SSR increases server load.
    • Build Time – Large sites may take long to develop.
    • CSS Handling – Requires additional setup for styling frameworks.

Apart from these pros and cons, there are certain misconceptions surrounding Next.js that create confusion in the tech community about whether to use it for certain application development or not.

Of course, the choice of technology depends on various factors, but just because there is some confusion about a technology’s capabilities doesn’t mean it should be dismissed outright!

So, let’s bust some of the myths surrounding Next.js.

10 Common Misconceptions about Next.js: Unlearning the Myths

Myth 1 - Next.js Only Works with Vercel

People often think Next.js is tied to Vercel, but that’s not true.

While Vercel provides excellent integration and easy deployment, you can also host Next.js on other platforms like AWS, Netlify, or even custom servers.

This flexibility allows you to choose the hosting solution that best fits your needs and budget.

Myth 2 - Next.js Complicates State Management

There’s a misconception that using Next.js makes state management harder.

In reality, it supports popular libraries like Redux and MobX, which integrate smoothly into Next.js projects.

Which means you can manage your application’s state efficiently without any added complexity.

Myth 3 - Next.js Projects Must Use TypeScript

Many believe you must use TypeScript with Next.js, but that’s not the case.

Next.js supports both JavaScript and TypeScript, allowing developers to choose based on their project requirements and preferences.

This flexibility makes it easier to get started and adapt as needed.

Myth 4 - Next.js Eliminates the Need for a Backend

Next.js is powerful technology, but not efficient enough to replace the need for a backend development.

It does offer API routes for handling some server-side logic, which is great for simple tasks.

However, for complex applications requiring advanced logic and data processing, a dedicated backend is still essential.

Myth 5 - Next.js Only Supports Static Files

Next.js isn’t limited to static sites.

It supports dynamic content through server-side rendering (SSR) and API routes.

This means you can build applications that serve real-time data and personalized content, making it versatile for various types of projects.

Myth 6 - Next.js is Only for Frontend Developers

Next.js is often seen as just a front-end tool, but it’s capable of full-stack development.

With its built-in API routes, developers can handle backend logic directly within the framework, creating end-to-end solutions without needing separate technologies.

But remember – While Next.js greatly reduces the need for separate backend development, it doesn’t eliminate it completely.

Myth 7 - Next.js is Incompatible with CMS

Some think Next.js doesn’t work with content management systems, but it integrates seamlessly with headless CMSs like Contentful, Strapi, and others.

This allows you to manage content easily while leveraging the performance and benefits of Next.js.

Myth 8 - Next.js Lacks Community Support

Contrary to the belief that Next.js has limited support, it has a large, active community.

With extensive documentation, forums, and tutorials, developers can find solutions to challenges and share knowledge, making it easier to learn and grow with the framework.

Myth 9 - Next.js is Not Secure

Security concerns are common, but Next.js can be very secure with proper configuration.

It supports security features like Content Security Policy (CSP) and other measures to protect against common vulnerabilities, ensuring your applications are safe.

Myth 10 - Next.js is Slow for Development

Some developers think that Next.js slows down development, but it actually speeds it up with features like fast refresh and hot module replacement.

These tools allow for quick feedback and iterative development, making the process efficient and enjoyable.

So, these are some myths about Next.js that persist in the IT industry!

However, as you work with technology and delve deeper, you’ll find more of this tech’s capability to deliver.

You just need to do some research or try things out for yourself!

A Note for Next.js Developers

No matter what technology you use to develop an application, you may encounter some issues.

However, this does not necessarily mean that

    1. These issues are permanent and cannot be resolved with future updates.
    2. There isn’t room for improvement from the development side to manage these issues effectively.

All technologies come with their pros and cons. How a developer deals with the challenges of technology and makes the most of its strengths really comes down to their skill and experience.

At Covrize, we believe that technology is just a tool—it’s the engineer’s ability to make it work like a charm!

You can read our case studies to discover how we used technology to boost business by maximizing an application’s performance.

Zalak Shah

July 29, 2024

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